About Us
EduTorque was founded in 2010 by our Director, Mr Calvin Lim, as an aspiration to marry two of his greatest passions – Education and Motorsports.
EduTorque has more than ten years of experience educating the youths through our specially crafted automotive courses and is currently the leading provider of automotive youth programmes in Singapore. We believe that having fun is an integral part of education and we continually seek to extend students’ learning beyond the classrooms and textbooks by working closely with MNC and SME industry partners.
All our trainers are MOE certified and they are equipped with the skillsets to engage the youths and most importantly, inspire them to pursue their interests and appreciate the entire automotive ecosystem in Singapore.
An interesting and relevant curriculum, coupled with our team of competent trainers, we are the company of choice for automotive youth education.
Our Vision
To be the most recognized automotive education provider in South East Asia.
Our Mission
To create an appreciation of the automotive industry and its diverse working environment. To ignite our youths’ passion in automotive and motorsports and achieve their potential in this industry.
Our Core Values (DRIVE)
Discipline – To value punctuality and effective teaching
Responsibility – To take ownership of the development of our staff and youths
Integrity – To have the moral courage to stand up for what is right
Vigor – To have the energy and passion to pursue excellence
Empathy – To have the compassion to think for others
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